Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Happy belated Easter! We had a great one...we spent the whole weekend, plus some camping. The campground we stayed at had Easter activities for the kids all weekend. Corynn did great with the Easter egg hunt, she held Collin's hand & would walk around picking up eggs & putting them in her basket...she was a pro!

playing with pine cones

Easter Bunny!

Egg hunt! Yes I'm a bare foot country girl!! My cute little size 3 sandals kept coming off.

You're my hero..

I fell down & mommy's taking pictures!!! But isn't my Easter basket sooo cute!! Thanks Ms. Kim!

Cam's basket...I like his eggs more..106 of them, & each one had candy inside :0

All that Easter fun wore me out!

I'm awake for more fun!

Coloring eggs...

Kareoke rocker


It's windy!

Tigers rule!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Miss Independent

Whew!! busy busy busy!!! I forgot what it was like to have a 1 year old in the house!! I feel like passing out from exhaustion most nights just from chasing her around..lol...& I'm a complete night person! She's wanting to do alot of things on her own now, from eating to walking around without anyone...except when she wants to get somewhere fast then she'll happily take your finger & run! She still loves her grits in the morning, but we're having some issues with other foods. So far she loves ramen noodles, peanut butter crackers, & Gerber puffs (aka baby crack.) She will NOT try anything else!! Peaches..throws them down. Green beans..throws them down. Cheese...mushes it, then throws it down! (as I type this she is making a nice cheese mush.) The dog is very happy. Any suggestive food ideas would be very welcome!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure :)

my daddy put on my diaper :) velcro can be a tricky sucker!

mommy put up the blocker to the stairs.

maybe I can get up there this way...

people have commented that they look alike :)

Can I make it on peanut butter crackers alone mom, b/c they sure are yummy!

I'm off to wash cheese out of Corynn's hair :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bathing Breakthrough & more...

After reading a fellow bloggers (Melissa & Sunbeam) bath time troubles & their success with the duck inflatable tub, I figured why not? She was too upset to even notice the duck the first night, but last night, atlast! After a few minutes of tears & screaming she realized she could spash in the water & bath time was fun after that! I didn't take any pictures for fear of shocking her with flash back into hating the tub, but I did get after bath pics :)

We took our first camping trip last weekend as a family of five. Everyone did great, a few minor sleeping issues, but that was expected. The weather was a little cold so Corynn didn't get to explore the campground much, but here's one picture by the lake with Collin :)

And these pics are from yesterday. We were playing in her room, & I had to leave the room for less than 2 minutes to throw something away & this is what I come back to...

and after....

Did I mention how much she LOVES grits?

And last, but not least, here is the famous Guatemalan baby eye roll!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Had to post these..

because they're too cute not to!!

these crack me up b/c here they are playing sweetly together with one of Corynn's push toys...

and then...the pics a little blurry b/c of the action, but look at the attiTUDE on this girl b/c her brother took her toy...LOL

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Antigua tour pics..

After we had our Embassy appt last Wednesday & picked up Corynn's visa Thursday we were soooo ready to get on the plane & head home, but I had added an extra day to our trip so we could tour Antigua & I'm so glad that we did. It was so beautiful & we can say that we got to see some of Corynn's heritage & we bought gifts in the market to give to Corynn as she gets older. Our tour guide was wonderful! His name is Victor http://www.getaroundguatemala.blogspot.com/ & we could not have chosen a better guide. We felt very safe with Victor, he took us to some great tourist attractions (The Jade Factory, The Coffee Plantation, the market, & Hotel Casa Santo Domingo) & also gave a very detailed & interesting background of Guatemala. He also provided a carseat for Corynn..she did great!

Coffee plantation worker raking all of the coffee beans so they can dry out & then eventually head to Starbucks :)


2nd attempt at this post...
Sorry for the delays in post & pics, we've been having internet issues. Corynn is doing great, it's amazing how well she is transitioning.
First meal as an American citizen..McDonalds cheesburger in the Houston airport..well, the bun with cheese on it..

Collin & Cam waiting at the airport...

Playing in her room...

Cam & Corynn eating breakfast together.

Cam's been alittle jealous, but still loves her. Yesterday he asked me to sit in the front seat of the car & I said, you don't want to sit in the back with Corynn? & he said, nah, I'm used to her now...lol!
We took her to the Dr today for a check up & poor baby had to get 4 shots (!!) I think I cried more..& I give these to babies for a living!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

We're home!!

We made it home at 3:45pm to a group of excited family & friends waiting in the airport. The flights were long & tiresome, but Corynn did great. It was the most amazing feeling today sitting her down in her room & watching her play with her toys with her brothers. They are in awe of her...I give them two days, then we'll start hearing the complaints :) No, really they have been the most wonderful big brothers. Contrary to what the doctor in Guatemala said, Corynn is not walking on her own yet & loves to hold hands with her brothers & cruise around the house. I promise to post pictures once we're settled. Right now I'm going to peek in on her sleeping in her crib :)