Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just pictures...

Edited to add: Carol, you commented about wanting to get the kids together (that would be great!) but your blog is set to private. email me at larnstudent@yahoo.com

Busy busy around here with school starting back. Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure...


Carol said...

You don't know me (yet), but I met your mom at the vets office this afternoon. I had my Selena with me and we struck up a conversation. I brought Selena home in March from Guatemala. Corynn is adorable!!! I'd love to correspond if you have time...I know its busy with school starting and all. How cool is it that we live near each other and have similar adoption stories?? Would you be interested in a little playdate at the park sometime??

jajbs said...

Hey! I got your text message today and left my head off!!! You are VERY FUNNY!!! Where are you going to be for the storm? I am scared silly!!!!!!

I would love to have a playdate with you and Carol, if you would have me and Bella!
