Whew!! busy busy busy!!! I forgot what it was like to have a 1 year old in the house!! I feel like passing out from exhaustion most nights just from chasing her around..lol...& I'm a complete night person! She's wanting to do alot of things on her own now, from eating to walking around without anyone...except when she wants to get somewhere fast then she'll happily take your finger & run! She still loves her grits in the morning, but we're having some issues with other foods. So far she loves ramen noodles, peanut butter crackers, & Gerber puffs (aka baby crack.) She will NOT try anything else!! Peaches..throws them down. Green beans..throws them down. Cheese...mushes it, then throws it down! (as I type this she is making a nice cheese mush.) The dog is very happy. Any suggestive food ideas would be very welcome!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure :)
my daddy put on my diaper :) velcro can be a tricky sucker!

mommy put up the blocker to the stairs.

maybe I can get up there this way...

people have commented that they look alike :)

Can I make it on peanut butter crackers alone mom, b/c they sure are yummy!

I'm off to wash cheese out of Corynn's hair :)
They do look alike. They have the same nose and eyes.
Get a Pampered Chef food chopper. You can chop up lots of foods and even throw in some Corynn won't usually eat.
Hi--Ava is an eater but I'll share some of her favorites: progresso soups (chickarina and Italian Wedding). I drain the broth and she loves the little meatballs and noodles. She'll eat an entire can! Good luck, she is so cute!!!
Beautiful, beautiful photos....
I'm so thrilled to see that you use a play-pen...
We have 8 grandchildren and only the oldest was ever in a playpen....
My step-daughter always complains that she can't get anything done.... Play-pen - DUH !!!!
Just adorable! I was under the impression peanut butter crackers and Gerber puffs were 2 of the main food groups! :)
My daughter isn't the best eater either. But I just keep in mind, my sister's 4 would only eat chicken nuggets and chips and they are A-OK!
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